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Poet's House

We welcome you to join us at Poet's House, a writing studio for beginning and experienced poets. Come with paper and pen and leave with a poem or two!

Poet’s House tackles a different topic each session. Students write from prompts and are guided through exercises; they read, experiment, and generate new work; and they meet fellow writers, creating an open and friendly space to talk about poetry and support each other with their craft. Poet’s House is open to Stanford affiliates only.

The sessions are led by Creative Writing lecturers


Marcos Paulo Prado, Unsplash

Upcoming Events

Thu January 23rd 2025, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Mariposa House

Join Jones Lecturer Keith Ekiss at POET'S HOUSE this Winter, a writing studio for all poets--beginning, experienced, or anywhere in between.

Thu February 20th 2025, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Mariposa House

Join Jones Lecturer Keith Ekiss at POET'S HOUSE this Winter, a writing studio for all poets--beginning, experienced, or anywhere in between.

Thu February 27th 2025, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Mariposa House

Join Jones Lecturer Keith Ekiss at POET'S HOUSE this Winter, a writing studio for all poets--beginning, experienced, or anywhere in between.

Past Events

Tue March 3rd 2020, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Building 250, Room 211

Join Jones Lecturer William Brewer for Poet's House, a writing studio for beginning and experienced poets. We'll meet fellow writers, generate new…

Thu February 27th 2020, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Building 250, Room 211

Join Jones Lecturer William Brewer for Poet's House, a writing studio for beginning and experienced poets. We'll meet fellow writers, generate new…

Thu February 6th 2020, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Building 250, Room 211

Join Jones Lecturer William Brewer for Poet's House, a writing studio for beginning and experienced poets. We'll meet fellow writers, generate new…

Tue November 5th 2019, 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Hume Center for Writing and Speaking, Building 250, Room 106

Charif Shanahan

All events are free and open to the entire Stanford community.

Join Jones Lecturer Charif Shanahan…

Wed November 14th 2018, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Hume Center for Writing and Speaking, Bldg. 250, Room 211

Join Jones Lecturer Margaret Ross for Poet’s House, a writing studio for beginning and experienced poets.

We’ll meet fellow…

Wed October 31st 2018, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Hume Center for Writing and Speaking, Bldg. 250, Room 211

Join Jones Lecturer Margaret Ross for Poet’s House, a writing studio for beginning and experienced poets.

We’ll meet fellow…

Wed October 10th 2018, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Hume Center for Writing and Speaking, Bldg. 250, Room 211

Join Jones Lecturer Margaret Ross for Poet’s House, a writing studio for beginning and experienced poets.

We’ll meet fellow…