Stanford University
Wallace Stegner Fellowship
Applications for the 2025-2027 fellowship are now closed. Applications will open for the 2026-2028 cohort in September 2025.
For application updates, join our Stegner Fellowship email list
Unique among writing programs, Stanford University offers 10 two-year fellowships each year, 5 in fiction and 5 in poetry. All the fellows in each genre convene weekly in a 3-hour workshop with faculty.
Stegner Fellows are regarded as working artists, intent upon practicing and perfecting their craft. The only requirements are writing and workshop attendance. The fellowship offers no degree. We view it as more of an artist-in-residence opportunity for promising writers to spend two years developing their writing in the company of peers and under the guidance of Stanford faculty.
In awarding fellowships, we consider the quality of the candidate’s creative work, potential for growth, and ability to contribute to and profit from our writing workshops. Our fellows are diverse in style and experience, with talent and seriousness the true common denominators.
- We do not require any degrees or tests for admission
- No school of writing is favored over any other
- Applicants must be at least 18 years old
The Stegner Fellowship is a full-time academic commitment and is not intended to be pursued concurrently with another degree program. The fellowship includes a living stipend, and a fellow's tuition and health insurance are paid for by the Creative Writing Program. A fellow must live close enough to Stanford in order to attend workshops, readings, and events.
At a Glance
- 2-year fellowship; admissions are staggered so there are 10 first year fellows and 10 second year fellows at Stanford each year
- Fellows must write and attend a 3-hour weekly workshop
- Workshop coincides with Stanford's academic calendar; fellows have the summer off to work, write, or travel
- Though similar in some ways to a MFA program, the fellowship does not offer a degree
- Includes a $75,000 living stipend
- Applications are available to all who are interested; all applicants are notified of fellowship decisions in April
Application window: opens on September 1 and closes on November 1 at 11:59 pm PST (November 2 at 2:59 am EST)
Anyone interested in the Stegner Fellowship is welcome to apply! Prior book publication is not required; note that prior publication may suggest a career that has advanced beyond the point when the fellowship’s instruction and workshop critique are most useful in a writer's development.
I’m not a U.S. citizen. Can I still apply?
Yes. Anyone may apply, regardless of nationality. If accepted, you’re considered at Stanford to be a non-matriculated graduate student for visa purposes. We’ll work with you to obtain a J-1 visa.
What is the age requirement?
Fellows must be 18 years old when they start the fellowship. Historically, we have accepted people as young as 22 and as old as 75.
Primarily, Stegner Fellows are required to attend weekly, faculty-led workshops and to write, revise, and then write again, with the goal of a finished manuscript ready for publication. As part of the workshop, fellows are expected to actively engage with their cohort's work by reading and thoughtfully commenting on pieces presented.
However, to enrich one’s fellowship experience, we encourage all fellows to attend various reading events and lecture series hosted by our program. In the past, we’ve enjoyed the presence of guest speakers such as Zadie Smith, David Treuer, Gilbert King, Mary Ruefle, and Hilton Als. We also host public readings and colloquiums for our annual visiting poet-in-residence and visiting writer-in-residence.
During the first year of their fellowship, the fellows participate in the Stegner Fellow Reading series, where they give a public reading of their work. It’s also possible for fellows to TA undergraduate courses, facilitate writing workshops, and offer special tutorials and independent studies to our undergraduate students.
Is residency required?
Yes, one must live close enough to the Stanford main campus to attend weekly workshops, as well as readings and lectures by the program's visiting poets and writers.
Can I keep my full-time job during the fellowship?
The purpose of the fellowship is to give writers as much time as possible to work on their writing, free from the time constraints of full-time employment. Holding a full-time job during the fellowship runs counter to the intention of the program.
The fellowship is a 2-year program and includes a living stipend of $75,000 per academic year. Our program also pays for each fellow’s tuition and health insurance.
Is it possible to live on the fellowship?
The Bay Area is a very expensive place to live. Some fellows may need to supplement income based on individual needs, which commonly means working during the summer.
Is there an opportunity for me to teach to supplement my income?
Sometimes. Teaching appointments are not guaranteed, as priority goes to Ph.D. students who need the experience for their degree.
If you have questions about our fellowship, there are several ways to get answers:
- Peruse our Application FAQ page
- Email us at stegnerfellowship [at] stanford.edu (stegnerfellowship[at]stanford[dot]edu)
- Or visit us in our main office: Margaret Jacks Hall (Building 460), Room 223
Thank you for your interest in the Wallace Stegner Fellowship!