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Common Enrollment Questions

Is there a prerequisite for Creative Writing classes?

PWR 1 is a prerequisite for all Creative Writing classes except courses in the English 9C series (e.g., 9CE, 9CP, 9CW, etc.). The prerequisite is waived for students in SLE.

I want to enroll in a Creative Writing class, but I don't meet the 12-unit study list requirement.

If you must enroll in Axess to meet the 12-unit study list requirement, then temporarily enroll in English 198 with Tom Kealey. Important note: once you receive your permission number, don't forget to drop this class from your schedule.

How do I get a permission number?

Typically, our instructors will distribute permission numbers to students at the second or third class meetings. Alternatively, students may receive their permission numbers via email by the instructor or a CW administrator.

Can graduate students enroll in Creative Writing classes?

Undergraduate students get priority for enrollment. Graduate students may enroll in a Creative Writing course only after all undergraduates are placed and with instructor consent.

Other steps to consider:

  1. Contact the instructor of the course, inquiring about enrollment availability and the likelihood of graduate students getting admitted
  2. If there is space available and the instructor gives you their consent, attend the next class meeting and obtain a permission number from the instructor