Linda A. Cicero | Stanford News Service

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How to Enroll

Most Creative Writing courses are available for direct enrollment in Axess: SimpleEnroll. However, some of our courses may require instructor consent, submitting an application, or completing the Course Preference Form prior to enrolling in the course. When browsing in Navigator, pay special attention to the Notes sections, which will indicate if submission of an application or the Course Preference Form is required. Instructions for all enrollment processes can be found below.

Direct Enrollment

A variety of Creative Writing courses are available for direct enrollment in Axess: SimpleEnroll. Register for these courses in SimpleEnroll, no additional forms nor separate applications necessary. To view available classes, browse Navigator or our list of courses.

Enrollment can be tricky to navigate. To set yourself up for success each quarter, consider the following:

Students pursuing the Creative Writing minor can contact dhuligan [at] (Danielle), the Academic Operations Specialist, to discuss how classes will slot into the minor requirements.

  • Pay your tuition and fees
  • Clear any holds blocking your registration
  • Review your academic plan of study with an advisor

Other helpful enrollment tools can be found on the Registrar's website.

Remember: If you enroll into a course, then you must attend the first class meeting to secure your spot in the course.

Enrollment with Instructor Consent

Some Creative Writing courses may require instructor consent to enroll. To request instructor consent for a given course, follow its instructions listed below. When browsing on ExploreCourses, the instructions can also be found in the Notes section of the course.


English 91AI/Oceans 157H Creative Writing & Science: The Artful Interpreter with Sara Michas-Martin

What role does creativity play in the life of a scientist? How has science inspired great literature? How do you write accessibly and expressively about things like whales, DNA or cancer? This course provides a unique opportunity for students to directly engage with marine animals, coastal habitats and environmental concerns of Monterey Bay. As historian Jill Lepore writes of Rachel Carson: "She could not have written Silent Spring if she hadn't, for decades, scrambled down rocks, rolled up her pant legs, and waded into tide pools, thinking about how one thing can change another..." Students will complete and workshop three original nonfiction essays that explore the intersection between personal narrative and scientific curiosity. You will develop a more patient and observant eye and improve your ability to articulate scientific concepts to a general readership. **Course taught in-person only at Hopkins Marine Station.**

Winter 2025 Interest Form

Interest Form instructions: students must submit the Google Form by December 11, 2024 to request enrollment. If selected for enrollment, students must attend the first class meeting to retain their roster spot. All students will be notified of placement by Dec 18.


Enrollment via Course Preference Form

Priority goes to seniors who are declared Creative Writing minors or English majors (then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen). They will be followed by seniors with any other major (then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen).

1. Complete the online Course Preference Form
Winter 2025 Course Preference Form will open on Tuesday, December 3 by 5pm

Winter 2025 Course Preference Form

  • Submit a first, second, and third choice
  • You don't have to select different courses for all 3 choices. For example, if you're certain you only want to take one of the offered courses, you may select that course for all 3 choices. How you choose your course preferences is entirely up to you and what you hope your schedule will be
  • If your preferences change, edit your responses and re-submit the form before it closes
  • The form will close on Wednesday, December 11 at 11:59pm
2. Check your Stanford email for placement and/or waitlist results
For Winter 2025, all students will be notified via email by 5pm on Thursday, December 19

After the form closes, we’ll place students into classes, giving priority to students as denoted above and by adhering to the following:

  • We always try to place students into their 1st choice class
  • If 1st choice is full, then we try for their 2nd choice
  • If 2nd choice is full, then we try for their 3rd choice
  • If all 3 class choices are full, then we add students to the waitlist for the 1st, 2nd, and/or 3rd choice class

Then, all students who complete the form will be notified via email. In this email, students will learn if they were placed onto a class roster or waitlisted. If placed onto a waitlist, you’ll only be notified again if a spot becomes available and you're bumped up onto the class roster. All other students may inquire about their placement/waitlist status by emailing Danielle, dhuligan [at] (dhuligan[at]stanford[dot]edu).

3. If offered placement, attend the first class meeting to secure your spot in the course

After securing your spot in the course, the instructor will distribute permission numbers.

4. After receiving a permission number, enroll in Axess
Important Notes
  • If offered placement but are no longer interested in the course, please email Danielle
  • If offered a spot on the waitlist, we encourage you to attend the first class meeting to see if any spots are available
  • If not offered placement nor a spot on the waitlist, email Danielle to inquire if there's space in the course
  • More information on our first day of class protocol can be found on our Enrollment FAQ page

Course Snapshot

The following courses are available on the Winter 2025 Course Preference Form:

  • English 190 Intermediate Fiction Writing with Molly Antopol
  • English 190F Fiction into Film with Georgina Beaty and Mark Labowskie
  • English 190YA Young Adult Fiction with Nina Schloesser Tárano
  • English 191 Intermediate Creative Nonfiction with Austin Smith
  • English 192 Intermediate Poetry Writing with Jackson Holbert
  • English 290 Advanced Fiction Writing with Adam Johnson
  • English 291 Advanced Creative Nonfiction with John Evans

Enrollment via Application

A few Creative Writing courses require a separate application to be considered for enrollment. The instructor(s) of the course will review the applications and select their pool of students accordingly. Each course application is linked below.


English 190G The Graphic Novel with Sarah Frisch, Shimon Tanaka, and Art Director Andy Warner

Calling all artists, writers, and general comics lovers! Come join us in the writing, illustrating, and publishing of a full-length graphic novel. The SGNP is a complete comics creation experience, from topic selection, to writing, to thumbnailing, to drawing, to printing. We start with nothing but a few ideas; we end with a published, full-length graphic novel. Learn and hone skills of long-form storytelling and structure, dialogue and caption writing, thumbnailing, character turnarounds, dynamic panelling and perspective, drawing, and post-production using Photoshop and InDesign. No previous drawing or storytelling experience necessary. 

Autumn 2024 Application


English/Amstud/Asnamst 91A Asian American Autobiography with Chang-rae Lee

This is a dual purpose class: a writing workshop in which you will generate autobiographical vignettes/essays as well as a reading seminar featuring prose from a wide range of contemporary Asian-American writers. Some of the many questions we will consider are: What exactly is Asian-American memoir? Are there salient subjects and tropes that define the literature? And in what ways do our writerly interactions both resistant and assimilative with a predominantly non-Asian context in turn recreate that context? We'll be working/experimenting with various modes of telling, including personal essay, the epistolary form, verse, and even fictional scenarios.

Winter 2025 Application

Application is closed, but spots are still available! First come, first serve. If interested, email creative1 [at] (creative1[at]stanford[dot]edu) with your preferred crosslisting (english, amstud, asnamst) and section (Tues or Wed 5-7:20pm).


Independent Study

To begin pursuing an Independent Study (English 198), students must find a Creative Writing lecturer or English faculty member (professor) to be their instructor. Once they connect with a lecturer or professor, approval from the program is required. Students must obtain approval from the Administrative Director of Creative Writing before the beginning of their desired quarter. Then, students are permitted to enroll in their section of English 198.

Visit our Opportunities page for the Interest Form

Levinthal Tutorials

The Levinthal Tutorials provide undergraduate students the opportunity to design their own curriculum and work one-on-one with visiting Stegner Fellows in poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction. Given the nature of the tutorials, they may count as one of the intermediate or advanced courses required for the Creative Writing minor, pending an approved course substitution. Levinthals are only offered during Winter quarter.

Visit our Levinthal Tutorials page for application information

Introductory Seminars

2024-25 Creative Writing Introductory Seminars:

  • English 13Q Imaginative Realms
  • English 14N Stories Everywhere
  • English 16Q Family Stories
  • English 19Q I Bet You Think You're Funny: A Humor Writing Workshop
  • English 24Q Leaving Patriarchy: A Course for All Genders
  • English 25Q Queer Stories
  • English 29Q Writing About Art
  • English 31N Love and Death
  • English 90Q Sports Writing
  • English 93Q The American Road Trip
  • English 94Q The Future is Feminine

Browse the Explore IntroSems catalog for application information



We're here to support you! Email dhuligan [at] (Danielle) your inquiries or book an appointment with her.

For enrollment questions specific to Creative Writing, visit our Enrollment FAQ page.

For general enrollment troubleshooting, refer to the Student Services guide.