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Spots available: English 91A Asian American Autobiography with Chang-rae Lee for Winter 2025

This Winter, Prof. Chang-rae Lee will be teaching english91A Asian American Autobiography, crosslisted with amstud/asnamst91A. This course is a dual writing workshop and reading seminar where you'll explore contemporary prose from Asian American writers and experiment with the personal essay, the epistolary form, verse, and even fictional scenarios. Course satisfies the CW minor's introductory prose requirement.

*Spots are available! First come, first serve. If interested, email creative1 [at] (creative1[at]stanford[dot]edu) with your preferred crosslisting (english, amstud, asnamst) and section (Tues or Wed 5-7:20pm).


Additionally, Prof. Lee welcomes interested students to attend the first class meetings to see if there's any available spots.