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Stegner Fellow Reading with Joseph Rios and Hassaan Mirza

Wed October 18th 2023, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Event Sponsor
Creative Writing Program
Humanities Center
424 Santa Teresa Street, Stanford, CA 94305
Levinthal Hall

Co-sponsored by the Creative Writing Program and the Stanford Humanities Center, we're pleased to announce a reading with Stegner Fellows in Poetry and Fiction: Joseph Rios and Hassaan Mirza.

This event is open to Stanford affiliates and the general public. Registration is encouraged but not required. Register here


Joseph Rios was named Fresno's Poet Laureate in 2023. He is the author of Shadowboxing: Poems and Impersonations (Omnidawn), winner of the American Book Award and was named one of the Notable Debut Poets by Poets & Writers Magazine for 2017. His poems can be found at Poem A Day, Huizache, The Rumpus, the San Francisco Chronicle, and on Metro buses and trains in Los Angeles. He lives in Fresno.

Hassaan Mirza is a writer from Lahore, Pakistan. He received his MFA from Vanderbilt University and is currently a doctoral student in Creative Writing at the University of Cincinnati. His work has appeared in Ploughshares, Joyland, Michigan Quarterly Review, Salamander Magazine, and elsewhere. He is writing a novel and a short story collection.