Brendan Jones and Rachel Richardson Reading

Wed May 4th 2016, 6:30pm
Terrace Room, Margaret Jacks Hall

Brendan Jones lives on a tugboat in Alaska and works in commercial fishing. A former Stegner Fellow, he received his B.A. and M.A. from Oxford University, where he boxed for the Blues team. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Ploughshares, Popular Woodworking, The Huffington Post, and on NPR. Brendan Jones pic

Rachel Richardson is the author of two collections of poetry, Hundred-Year Wave (2016) and Copperhead (2011), both in the Carnegie Mellon Poetry Series. Her poems have appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Slate, Guernica and elsewhere, and her criticism regularly appears at the Kenyon Review and at the Poetry Foundation. A recent NEA Fellow, she coordinates poetry events for the Bay Area Book Festival and lives in Berkeley. Rachel Richardson pic